The Christ-Centered Life

November 11, 2013

Looking back through our journals can act as a spiritual retracing of steps. The content of our lives found in entries and prayers reveal what we believe about Christ. Written in our own hand lies the worries, ambitions, plans, requests, angst, rejoicing and gratitude.


The idea of being “Christ-centered” is nothing new, but it can seem in Christianity today that term gets tossed around. What does it really mean in the year 2013? Even more so how do we apply it to our lives?

As I sorted through my journal, I saw the content of my prayers. This movement began to emerge:

“God look at what I have done.” – These prayers focused on my ability of productivity. I saw the activity of Christ on account of what I could get done.

“God look at we have done.” – Realizing that I could not make things happen in my own strength, I began to pray with the idea that Christ and I worked equally together. I have my responsibilities and does the radical to accomplish my plans.

“God look at what you have done.” – After watching my plans and abilities fall short, I could then see how Christ was molding and shaping me to follow Him. The other two movements focused on my abilities. All of us are in the steady process of entrusting our lives to our Savior.

Placing Christ in the center of lives changes the content of our prayers. We move from placing the focus on our own actions, failures, and successes, to see our lives through the Gospel. Most often, He is far more present and at work in our lives that we could ever realize.