A Prayer for Easter 2020

April 12, 2020

Easter morning in the Scriptures begins with confusion and disappointment.
Mary Magdalene witnesses the empty tomb with tears.
The disciples ran to the tomb with the anxiety of who took Your body.
Yet, this day moves towards hope.
You appear in unexpected ways. Resurrection surprises us all.

You knew that we needed an Easter amid the pandemic.
As we walked through Holy Week, we encounter the grief and pain of this week.
Easter Sunday does not dismiss what happens prior but reminds us light conquers darkness.
You have the last word.
What was once lost, will now be found.
You will wipe every tear from our eyes.
Death could not hold You, and the grave could not stop You.

We find ourselves amid a moment that we need a fresh encounter with You.
Church doors will be closed, but the gospel will be shared in millions of homes on screens.
You do not fit in our neat categories.
Nor do You acquiesce to our plans.
Easter tells us time and time again that You show up.

Let us celebrate Your resurrection with hope.
Give us eyes to see You beyond our tears like Mary Magdalene.
Restore our dashed dreams as You did with disciples.
May we look back on Easter 2020 with the realization that…
You bring beauty from ashes.
You bring life from death.
You bring peace from anxiety.
We hold on to these promises today.

Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash