A Prayer for Rain

August 16, 2020

The rain fell in the last two days.
The Bible reminds us of times Your people asked for rain.
They walked through seasons of droughts.
Amid these wilderness seasons, You remained faithful.

So, Lord, we find ourselves in this wilderness dry season.
The long season of this pandemic has worn us out.
We look to You for rain during this drought.
Shower us with grace, perseverance, and hope.
While we wait, remind us of the gospel.

Just like those who prayed for rain in the past, we find ourselves desperately needing You.
We ask that You would reconcile our polarized society.
We ask that You would heal this land of the season of pain.
We hope that You can turn the ashes of the last few months into beauty.
We pray that You would intervene in the world today, knowing that you have moved in thousands of ways that we cannot always see.

Like our brothers and sisters in the past – we ask You for rain.
Bring life to this dry and arid land.
Wash away the sin and the brokenness of our hearts.
Sustain us with drops of mercy and grace.
Let the rain of today remind us of Your ability to provide for us.


Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash