A Prayer for Rootedness

October 11, 2020

Lord, keep us from following every whim.
Distractions appear thousands of times a day.
We jump from apps to articles cycle our minds.
Our anxiety, worry, and fear move us more than we know.

Give us rootedness today.
Root us in the good news of the gospel.
Root us in the hope of Your goodness.
Root us in the song of creation and the story You have written.
Root us in Your mission and purpose.
Root us in Your value of our brothers and sisters created in Your image.

We know we are prone to wander.
We know our propensity to forget.
So today, we slowdown in prayer and silence the distractions.
Center us on Your story and not the stories we tell ourselves.
May Your Words speak life to us.
Help us to see others as You do.

In a world that keeps jumping and moving, root us in You today.
Center our souls, minds, and hearts on You.
May the rootedness You offer affect how we speak and treat others.


Photo by Luis Alberto Sánchez Terrones on Unsplash