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Four Formats of Podcasts by Churches

It started when my friend Ramon said, “You got to start a Facebook Group for churches doing podcasts.” I reached out to …

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Four Formats of Podcasts by Churches

It started when my friend Ramon said, “You got to start a Facebook Group for churches doing podcasts.” I reached out to …

A Prayer on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Today, we remember the twentieth anniversary of 9/11We remember those who lost their lives at the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Shanksville, …

Christians long wrestled with the sacred and secular. Intentionally or unintentionally, a higher degree got placed on what revolved around the church …

The Highlands and the Heartache

People have asked me about the arrival of Lucy, our second daughter. My response consists of two words, “Beautifully complicated.” One month …

If you serve as a church leader, you have navigated the complexities of this pandemic for a whole year. Let that sink …

Imagine if twenty years ago, churches treated social media like email. Personal emails, not the newsletter type emails that go to the …

A Prayer on MLK Day 2021

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercyand …

Recently, the Social Media Church Podcast post this article about why people are listening to religious podcasts. Following seeing that article, I …

I had the opportunity this Monday to meet with Sherwin and Matthew from Browncroft. They serve as leaders in the church and …