Look Around You

August 20, 2018

What worries you this week?

Work seems stressful. The calendar has appointments and activities scheduled throughout the week. Classes have started for some of you and others it will start in the coming weeks. On top of the immediate worries, we face the worry of the future, economy, catastrophes, and the list could go on…

Perhaps for some of you, the August to fall transition raises your anxiety level. The relaxing summer turns into the hit the ground running back to school season that feels wearisome.

Recently, I sat with my family. My mind raced with all the thoughts of planning for the fall and the to-do list. Our minds can run on a hamster wheel of anxiety. Then these lyrics came over of the speakers:

So just, look around you and try to listen to
The song creation sings
And don’t you worry cause you’re in the hands
Of the God who made everything

Ellie Holcomb wrote the song above, “Do Not Worry” based on Matthew 6:25-33 as a part of the Rain for Roots project (Click here to see more). A song written for children can have an even greater influence on adults.

Often, when we read Jesus’ teachings on anxiety in Matthew 6:25-33, we focus on the “Do Not Worry…” part. The power in what Jesus says comes with what to replace worry.

He tells us to look around us. The birds do not toil for food and the flowers do not work extra for their beauty.

The next time worry and anxiety overtakes your thoughts, Jesus tells us to look around. The birds, flowers, and creation around speak to a God who holds the world together. How much more will God take care of us?

So, what worries you about today? Listen to the song “Do Not Worry” at the link below. Take a walk outside and notice the creation around you. Look around you and be reminded you’re in the hands of the God who made everything.

Photo by Razvan Narcis Ticu


Fantastic post peter. Keep up he good work!

Thanks Phil! I hope you’re doing well.