Mixtapes for the Important People in Your Life

June 28, 2018

Who did you make a mix tape for? What songs did you record on it?

Stereo systems had the ultimate cassette tape and CD player combo. I still remember recording a few songs from my brother’s CD collection on to tape. Then we moved to burning CD mixes on our computer.  Now we have playlists on Spotify, YouTube, and other platforms. Times have changed.

When my daughter arrived from birth at the hospital, my wife and I would play music in the background. New parents and a new kid find the little ways calm the anxiety. Certain songs began to remind me of my daughter. I thought other songs became important for her to know and remember in the future.

The other day, I started a Spotify playlist for my daughter because I want her to know the songs of her life. One song is the Gravity of Love by the Brilliance. I wanted my daughter to remember this song because it speaks of the power of God’s Love. You can listen to it below:

A mixtape or playlist communicates the songs of our relationships. The most important people in our lives need reminders from us of what we think of them. It keeps the message of the Gospel in the forefront. It becomes a remarkable way for us to share what we value and love.  It communicates how we cherish the people who matter most.

Take time this week to identify the important people in your life— spouse, kids, friends, co-workers, family, etc. What songs would you want on their playlist? Then share the playlist with them.

Photo by Felipe P. Lima Rizo