The First Gift for the First Date

October 15, 2013

December 23, 2011, started with the all too familiar drive. Beginning in Binghamton head north on I-81 to 90. It was still the part of winter every Upstate New Yorker enjoys; the snow and change of temperature which signals Christmas.The setting sun gave way to a brilliant clear sky full of stars.774625_17852520

Robyn and I had two coffee dates. On this occasion, we had setup our first “real” dinner date in Rochester. One of the looming questions for both of us dealt with concerned a gift. What do you get for a person in a budding relationship two days before Christmas? Her and I faced the same dilemma.

In moment of serendipity, we exchanged gifts to find we both bought books for each other. Robyn gave me Whole Life Transformation by Keith Meyer. This week I took a chance todownload reminisce on that moment and the book. These words of Meyer on slowing down seem very applicable for the start of this week:

The slower pace on the road put me in a more reflective mood. I no longer had to worry about making up time for being late. I found myself becoming more relaxed and less preoccupied. I use these times as openings to calm myself by being in God’s presence. I learned to take whole days to just “do nothing,” to rest, and I began to make more room for restorative slowing exercises. Now waiting in line at the grocery store is not an annoyance but an opportunity to be quiet and become more attuned to God. These and other slowing exercises began to bring me home to God and others. Now, when I notice I am going too fast in my car, it’s time to examine what is driving me to distraction. (pg. 166)

Where do you need to slow down today?