Three Social Media Posts for Churches and Organizations Amid Reopening

August 11, 2020

Your investment in social media matters. Taking time to communicate on social media platforms makes a difference.

The people you serve face the weight of uncertainty. Schools either will not reopen or have a modulated schedule. Sports of all levels seem in limbo, depending on where you live. Consider this – a shutdown that began in March has loomed into August.

I have become the point person at Browncroft Community Church for social media this season. The challenge for all of us, whether we serve in the church or another organization, what is the best way to reach the people we serve?

As much as people need information, they need inspiration in this season. No matter what level of leadership, you can influence the people you serve on social media.

I have the great honor of working with the Historic Agency on our social media strategy. A group of us had a helpful call discussing what’s working on our platforms. A theme arose – people facing shutdowns, quarantines, and social distancing desire connection and community.

As you consider the best way to engage your tribe, I want to share with you three posts that can inspire and engage the people you serve in this season, whether you serve a church or another organization:

Photos of People

In the past, we shared pictures of a volunteer of the week. People love celebrating others who make a difference. Recently, we had a string of staff birthdays that we took a moment to recognize. When you focus on an individual, it can help make the church or organization seem more personal. Find ways to show the faces that make a difference in your community.

Photos Inside the Building

We noticed a considerable uptick in engagements of posts on Sunday mornings in our sanctuary. We’re amid the process of reopening. Some of the people in your tribe have not stepped into the church or your building in months. Letting people see what’s happening allows them to feel connected even if they engage online.

Photos of the Behind-the-Scenes

No matter what stage you find yourself in the reopening process, it will continue to be critical to help people see the cleaning process and the setup. The more you can fill in the blanks, the less other people will. Just like photos of the building, letting people see behind the scenes like meetings, cleaning, setup, and other tasks helps them feel connected.

Remember, posting on social media creates connection and community. What can you share on social media to build community and connection?

A huge thanks to Ted Vaughn and James Bloedel from the Historic Agency.

Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash


[…] Three Social Media Posts For Chuches And Organizations Amid Reopening by Peter Englert […]