A Prayer for Holy Tuesday 2020

April 7, 2020

Teach us to preach to ourselves.
As we reflect on Psalm 71:1-2 today in generations past, let us say, “You are our refuge…”
Holy Tuesday in 2020 feels chaotic.
The world preaches to us the lies of our control and knowledge.
We find ourselves with more questions than answers despite the updates.
So, Lord, teach us to preach to ourselves.

Today, the sun rose in the morning with the dazzle of the sky.
The heavens preach Your majesty.
Today, we woke up with breath in our lungs.
Our bodies preach Your value of humans in Your image.
Today, You invite us to commune with you.
Even our anxieties and worries preach us towards Your sovereignty.

We find ourselves in a rattled world.
No challenge or crisis has the final word with You.
You alone are our refuge and strength.
Even castles firmly planted on a foundation of rocks experience storms.
We acknowledge the storms but are learning to trust You.

As we begin this day, teach us to preach to ourselves.
The cross did not have the final word.
The resurrection exploded on the scene.
Help us to live in the in-between of Holy Tuesday.

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash.