What Will Be True on November 4th – One Week Until the Election

October 27, 2020

In one week, the final votes will get cast for the 2020 election. Three words have repeatedly described 2020: unprecedented, pivot, and pandemic. In many ways, this election has wrapped up all the fears and anxieties of America.

Paradoxically, we have allowed politics to have too much influence on our lives while not having enough at the same time.

We vote on November 3rd, but this leads us to ask the question, “What will be true on November 4th?”

Recently, the Holy Post Podcast featured an interview with Os Guinness and Skye Jethani. They compared and contrasted from 2020 to 1968. In so many ways, we have lost our sense of history during this season. It’s as if we have woken up with a horrible version of groundhog day without context.

No one quite knows how the election will pan out. I encourage you to vote as a citizen of heaven’s kingdom and a follower of Jesus. I also pray and hope that we remember the constants of the story of scripture.

As we find ourselves enmeshed in this election’s debates, I want to highlight what will be true on November 4th to guide us in this roller coaster week.

God is still sovereign.

The One who holds the universe together and created you still has ultimate control over this world. Our grasping for “sovereignty” through voting and campaigning has led to more worry. No one person could ever carry the weight of humanity except for Jesus.

The second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.

Our pursuit of politics has not considered our neighbors, whom we disagree with or call enemies. As a society, we have neglected Jesus’ second commandment. When you love your neighbor, it challenges how we talk about them. It causes you to spend time with them. It motivates you to pray for them and bless them.

The gospel is still good news.

We have long put hope in humans and systems to save us while not fully grasping that Jesus’ death and resurrection transforms our hearts and can change our world. Followers of Jesus live with the tension acknowledging a broken world while moving towards the “already, not yet” values of the kingdom.

The only part of you that can get offended is the part that is unredeemed.

My pastor growing up, Bill Kirk, used to remind us of this truth. When we find ourselves offended continuously by our opponents or cannot acknowledge the veracity of their perspective, something in us needs to change. If we cannot have the tough conversations, then somewhere have insecurely held on to a version of our view that God cannot transform.

Find the real work that still needs to get done.

Locally, I have received emails about schools where children need clothes and food in Rochester. Several non-profits quietly serve our communities, making a difference. I wonder what would happen if the church and individuals invested more time in their neighborhoods. Our opinions might not change, but at least our perspective would. The real work consists of modeling Jesus washing the feet of others. In serving side by side consistently, we see our own need for redemption while living out what we preach.

What will still be true on November 4th for you? Share in the comment section below.

Photo by Josh Carter on Unsplash


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